Winter in NJ

S now! Winter in NJ finally it visited us! Last Friday it Winter in NJ: Oakridgestarted to snow in the morning already and basically did not stop until – I don’t know when. Both David and I drove to work and while David didn’t see that much snow, I never saw it stop snowing. No doubt, I welcomed our company’s decision to close early due to the impending blizzard forecasted for early evening. Already the drive home around 2:30 pm was pretty slippery and by the time we went to bed at night it was still snowing. I was really, really looking forward to getting up Saturday morning.

Winter in NJ: OakridgeWhich I did anxiously at about 7 am. I got up and went straight to the first window and saw… snow. Everything was white. It did not snow anymore, but trees and houses were covered in white. And the wind was blowing. A lot. I could see the snow dusting off the roofs of the surrounding houses and the trees swaying in the wind. Naturally my only thought was: I need to get out there before the wind blows all the snow off the trees! Which meant that at 7.20 am I left the house through the garage door, so I did not disturb the piles of snow still on our porch and stairs and started to walk.

Winter in NJ: St. Mary's Church WhippanyThe sideways and also our road had actually been cleared a couple (!) of times during the night, so walking was o.k. However when I reached Whippany Road it looked a little different. The road – no problem, I also saw snow removal trucks while being up there, but the sidewalks – a different story all together. Some had been partially cleared. At some stage during the storm. But most places it was deep. It easily reached to my knees (I am 6’1″…) i.e. over my boots at times, so it did get a little wet and cold. But I didn’t care. I wanted to at least do my usual round: Oakridge Drive, Whippany Road, St. Mary’s Church, Parsippany Road, Whippany River and back through Oakridge.

Winter in NJ: Oakridge WhippanyWell, most of this I did. I checked the ‘lonely tree’ on Eden Lane / Whippany Road and there was a little snow on its branches. But I guess it was too windy and the tree too exposed, but I got my photo (which I will show you later – if you are curious it is the same tree as in this post). Then back through the snow to St. Mary’s Church. Somebody had cleared some of the sidewalks, but I still walked on the road, always wary of cars, but it was too early and hardly anybody out.

Winter in NJ: Snow dusting off roofsOn Parsippany Road I fought with myself, but then thought, nope, I will not fight my way through all that snow to get a glimpse of Whippany River. Although I have to say I still regret it. But I was tired, wet and cold already so I made my way back through Oakridge and got a few more photos of home. By this time finally also the sun showed its face. A little. Very hazily.

Later in the day I could not resist the beautiful winter weather and took a drive in Tuffie. I had no real plan, just went driving. I stopped at some local park with a pond to take some photos and then at my workplace. The office is built next to a little rivulet that leads into a pond and makes for some nice pictures. Including snow, blue skies and sun. Winter in NJ looked like a real blessing. But if you look closely you’ll see the snow blowing off the office building’s roof.

Winter in NJ: Winter sun rays Winter in NJ: Ice

For Sunday I planned a photo tour with my friend living up in Newton, going to Pennsylvania and the Delaware. Stay tuned to see some of those photos!

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15 thoughts on “Winter in NJ”

    • Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I love the snow for about 2 days (unless I’m on skiing vacation), but generally speaking I much prefer summer.

    • I love, shooting our little town church at different times, of the day and year. Hopefully I’ll get some more nice pictures of it.

    • I was seriously waiting for these kind of conditions to take photos. I didn’t quite get winter wonderland photos, but I’m quite happy with what I got.

  1. I know exactly what you’re talking about, Jamie. Other people show photos of their first spring blossoms and here?! Then again, honestly, in the twinkling of an eye it is going to be spring.


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